首页 师资队伍 教授 正文

姓名: 马永钢


学科方向: 药理学

研究方向: 分子药理学







1.Amyrsinol diterpene isolated from a traditional herbal medicine, LANGDU reverses multidrug resistance in breast cancer cells. Wang H, Chen X, Li T, Xu J, Ma Y. J Ethnopharmacol. 2016 Aug 23. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2016.08.041.

2.HIV-1 Tat Protein Enhances Expression and Function of Breast Cancer Resistance Protein. Zhou Y, Zhang K, Yin X, Nie Q, Ma Y. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2016 Jan;32(1):1-3.

3.Lignans from the roots of Kadsura coccinea and their inhibitory activities on LPS-induced NO production. Lingzhi Fang, Chunfeng Xie, Hao Wang, Da-Qing Jin, Jing Xu, Yuanqiang Guo,Yonggang Ma. Phytochemistry Letters 9 (2014) 158–162.

4.An isoquinoline alkaloid from the Chinese herbal plant Corydalis yanhusuo W.T. Wang inhibits P-glycoprotein and multidrug resistance-associate protein 1. Lei Y, Tan J, Wink M, Ma Y, Li N, Su G. Food Chem. 2013 Feb 15;136(3-4):1117-21.

5.Piperine, a piperidine alkaloid from Piper nigrum re-sensitizes P-gp, MRP1 and BCRP dependent multidrug resistant cancer cells. Li S, Lei Y, Jia Y, Li N, Wink M, Ma Y. Phytomedicine. 2011 Dec 15;19(1):83-7.

6.Natural static magnetic field-induced apoptosis in liver cancer cell. Li J, Ma Y, Li N, Cao Y, Zhu Y. Electromagn Biol Med. 2014 Jan;33(1):47-50.

7.Bovine HEXIM1 inhibits bovine immunodeficiency virus replication through regulating BTat-mediated transactivation. Guo HY, Ma YG, Gai YM, Liang ZB, Ma J, Su Y, Zhang QC, Chen QM, Tan J. Vet Res. 2013 Mar 27;44:21.

8.A myrsinol diterpene isolated from Euphorbia prolifera reverses multidrug resistance in breast cancer cells. Xiaoou Chen, Xiaobo Chen, Xianfang Liu, Wink M, Yonggang Ma, Yuanqiang Guo. Pharmazie. doi: 10.1691/ph.2016.6654 (pp. 537-539)

9.The beta-carboline alkaloid harmine inhibits BCRP and can reverse resistance to the anticancer drugs mitoxantrone and camptothecin in breast cancer cells. Ma Y, Wink M. Phytother Res. 2010 Jan;24(1):146-9.

10.Lobeline, a piperidine alkaloid from Lobelia can reverse P-gp dependent multidrug resistance in tumor cells. Ma Y, Wink M. Phytomedicine. 2008 Sep;15(9):754-8. 

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